Meeting Format
General Evening Facilitation ...
We have a format that we hold to gently. We aim to do all the steps in this order, but how long and how we do them is up to the facilitator. In that way we can meet expectations but hopefully stop the meetings from get too ridged, tense or unable to respond to changing needs.
Opening Chanting. We always open the meetings with the chanting on the prayer sheets. From the sheets provided.
Meditation. Every evening needs to include sometime for meditation. Guided or silent.
Teaching presentation. Present your choice of teachings. Run this section as you wish. If you intend to let an audio recording run without pauses, reassure those listening at the start that there will be time at the end for questions.
*NB opening up the meeting for discussion is important and key to how we are encouraged to learn in this tradition. Try to give time to others to contribute, explore, question, agree or disagree. It’s all ok.
Closing chanting and dedication. From the sheets provided. At the end of the dedication we always pause for personal dedications of merit.
When There Are New Faces...
The aim is to welcome new people without making them centre of attention or putting them on the spot. If there are new people present, it’s worth doing a quick round of names at the beginning of the meeting. Introducing RT to them briefly via his photo, and mentioning that the group comes under his guidance. To reassure you could briefly outline the meetings format so they know what to expect, and stressing that they only need to join in with what they are happy too. It’s ok to sit back and observe.
It’s worth offering a guided medication at any meeting where there are newcomers, they may not have an established practice of their own. It’s useful to bring a guided meditation with you for this purpose ,or if you’re confident enough, you can guide it yourself.
At the we end of a meeting with newcomers - it’s worth putting out a general invite to everyone, without putting anyone in the spot, to give you their email address so they can be added to the BBG mailing list. Pass this then on to Pema.
Meetings Schedule
1st Thursday of every month
Chenrezig symbolises compassion and a Puja is a practice involving chanting, visualisation and meditation. This is an aspirational practice to imagine how it might feel to have limitless compassion for ourselves, others, and discover what stands in our way.
Every other Thursday General Evening.
Each evening is opened with some chanting and some time to meditate. Guided meditations are offered if needed, if not we will mediate in silence.
Some time is then devoted to leaning, discussion and reflection. This is an open forum style, whereby the facilitator will present an aspect of Buddhist teachings and philosophy, and the group will discuss the practical applications of the concepts, and their own experiences of integrating Buddhist teaching into their day-to-day interactions.
The evenings close with some more chanting and a dedication.
There is no obligation to join in. You are welcome to just sit, relax and observe if you wish. Join in with what you are comfortable with. And please observe out code of conduct.