FREE Audio Teachings
Many teachings are kindly distibuted by the main Bodhicharya International website and can be found at http://bodhicharya.org/blog/category/teachings/

There are also a few teachings from Rinpoche and other visiting teachers below. These teachings are offered free of charge however, we would like to suggest that you may like to make a donation to Rinpoche's charity, Rigul Trust. This is a UK based Charity who support health care, education and poverty relief in Rigul, Tibet and other Himalayan communities. Thank you. http://www.rigultrust.org

Books From Bodhicharya Publications
Bodhicharya Publications was set up in order to publish Ringu Tulku’s teachings in written format. They publish two series at present: the Lazy Lama series and the Heart Wisdom series.
The Lazy Lama books are A6 pocket-sized books. They aim to be widely accessible and light-hearted, while imparting a clear description of key Buddhist topics.
The Heart Wisdom series are slightly larger, A5 format, and go into Ringu Tulku’s teachings in a little more depth. The teachings they include are pithy and simply-stated but at the same time profound, taking us right to the heart of Buddhist teaching.
To order and read more please visit the Bodhicharya website below: bodhicharya.org/bookshop/