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7.30pm - 9pm
Every Thursday



Near the south coastal village of Bosham on the West Sussex, Hampshire boarder.


Hamblin Hall,

Bosham House,

Main Rd,


Nr Chichester,

PO18 8PJ.


Entrance fee

Non-Members  £6 

There is no compulsory membership but if you wish to join click here. Please feel free to just come along to whatever evening or event you feel drawn too. Concessions available for those on a low income. All proceeds go to cover the expenses of running the group, and the group is run by volunteers who give their time and skills free of charge. (Events such as visiting teachers are charged as advertised on the events promotional literature).



There is a small car park right by the Hall. When full there is additional road parking by the entrance and in the service road leading to the hall.


Public Transport?

The hall is ten minutes walk maximum from Bosham station.


There is a bus stop, 'Berrymead Cottages', on the A259 Main Road, Bosham. This is just a minutes walk away from the hall. (No 700 from Portsmouth and 56 from Chichester)

Don't Miss Our Next Visiting Teacher !!!!

contact us to go on our mailing list

Monthly Schedule

Our schedule below has been designed with both beginners and established practitioners in mind. Both are welcomed to attend all meetings, but please read the descriptions below to see what evening best suits your needs. 


There is no obligation to join in. You are welcome to just sit, relax and observe if you wish. Just join in with whatever you are comfortable with.


1st Thursday of every month



Chenrezig symbolises compassion and a Puja is a practice involving chanting, visualisation and meditation. This is an aspirational ritualistic practice to imagine how it might feel to have limitless compassion for ourselves,  others, and discover what stands in our way

+ Read More - See the puja text.







ALL Other Thursday Evenings 

“Meditation, Learn, Question, Reflect"


Each evening is opened with some chanting and some time to meditate. Guided meditations are offered if needed, if not we will mediate in silence. 


Some time is then devoted to leaning, discussion and reflection. This is an open forum style, whereby the facilitator will present an aspect of Buddhist teachings and philosophy. The group will discuss the practical applications of these ideas and their own experiences of integrating Buddhist teaching into their day-to-day life.


The evenings close with some more chanting and a dedication. 




Chenrezig Puja - Bodhicharaya


For your own relaxation and reassurance we respectfully ask those present to observe this code of conduct.


  • Individual opinions
    and questions are welcomed but must be expressed and listened to respectfully. Please avoid harsh speech.


  • Any personal disclosures during a meeting will be kept private within that meeting.

  • Any personal attacks
    or discrimination based on age, sexual orientation, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, religion will not be tolerated.


  • Any behaviour deemed to be unwarranted, unnecessary, unsolicited or inappropriate for this particular setting will not be tolerated.

  • The steering group reserves the right to ask anyone who is not respecting our aims and objectives to leave the group

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